From event management graduates, high school students, to recruitment open days at universities across the UK, Liz has been an inspiring guest lecturer across a wide variety of subjects.  As a guest lecturer, she has worked to develop unique content that not only educates and amuses, but also motivates students of all ages to embrace the power of their education.

Quote Dr Zeyad Abualhamael Fellow Lecturer in Leadership

Bringing her 35 years of business and event planning experience to life, Liz infuses the story of her entrepreneurial journey with anecdotes that embody her expertise and learning.  She shares her individual approach to key business topics, such as quality management, customer experience, leadership, motivation, team management, risk taking and more.  In addition to specific guest lecturer presentations around the importance of events management, key aspects to the event planning industry and the future of the sector.

The value of hearing how key industry figures developed their businesses first hand cannot be underestimated.  And here Liz comes into her own.  With relatable event management and business management guest lectures that bring to life the academic learning with colour, humour, and passionate argument.

If you are interested in talking to Liz about a guest lecturer opportunity, get in touch or call: 0161 876 6266

Quote Pam Monks Lecturer in Hospitality Operations and Management UCLan

Entrepreneur in Residence

Liz Taylor has been selected to join the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) as an Entrepreneur in Residence. Joining a team of business figureheads from across the northwest region, Liz will call upon her 35 years of experience at the forefront of the UK’s event industry, her in-depth knowledge of the hospitality sector, and her acumen as a business founder and entrepreneur, to enhance the students’ experience at the university.

UCLan selects its educational contributors in a stringent vetting and recruitment process, with only those who can genuinely add real insight, time, and experience to students being selected for the prestigious Entrepreneur in Residence programme. Liz and the other entrepreneurs engage with students from a variety of courses through a combination of masterclasses, keynotes, and Q&A sessions. In addition, they may provide innovative projects for students to work on and advise on curriculum relevant to their industry.

Quote Entrepreneurs in Residence