Holding Your Nerve in Business Vs The Dangers Of Inactivity

Having agonised along with the rest of the country as England’s lacklustre performance against Slovakia was spectacularly turned around in the dying minutes, my mind wandered not for the first time to how football can be a metaphor for business. In particular on how hard it can be to decide when to hold your nerve when faced with adversity, AND …

Positive Impacts of Competition in Business

“I have been up against tough competition all my life. I wouldn’t know how to get along without it.” Walt Disney Competition is often viewed negatively in life. In business, it is positioned as something to be wary of. To fear, even. No matter which industry we operate within, when a competitor emerges our first reaction can be suspicion, quickly …

Why Being an Unconventional Speaker Works

I’ve never been one to submit to the conventional. Not in any area of my business. From my approach to networking to the way we put together our show-stopping events, we always strive for the extraordinary. Within my consultancy, my clients revel in the new perspective I can bring to their business. A new way to use a venue. Pushing …

Unmasking Imposter Syndrome

I recently held an International Women’s Day panel discussion event, which was packed with famous faces. A collection of exceptionally talented females sat alongside me. Professional commentators, media spokespeople, and women at the very top of their game.  Despite their outward appearances of achievement and capability, as we talked on stage it became apparent that most of them at one …